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Application Form

Hair stylist, Barber Chair to rent, Beauty Room to rent

Salaries to be discussed

Rainham, Kent

Casey Shelden’s Hair and Beauty

3 Positions available, Hair stylist, Barber Chair to rent, Beauty Room to rent
Rainham, Gillingham, Kent
Salaries to be discussed
Casey Shelden’s Hair and Beauty

Casey Shelden’s Hair and Beauty, a luxury salon in a busy area of Rainham, Gillingham has three exciting part time or full-time positions available.

Hair Stylist
The Stylist has an option to be employed, or there is a massive earning potential as self-employed on a good percentage basis. (full or part time considered).

Barber Chair
Barber Chair to rent in a busy window location to be seen on a busy road. (4 days minimum). This is a fantastic chance to bring your personal clients over, and grow your client list in a busy salon.

Beauty Room
Beauty Room rental or percentage basis earning, in a room with its own sink area (includes a needle licence) minimum rental 3 days a week.

If you are interested apply online via the apply button, or contact Katy via email - for more information.

Contact Details

Cover Letter

Use this space to outline your skills, experience and reason for applying.